Wednesday 8 February 2012


What is present perfect? I was wonder when Miss Zu presented present perfect. This presentation took place after Afifah's group has finished their presentation. Present perfect???

 The Present Perfect Tense - When to use

  1. We use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about experiences. It is important if we have done it in our lives or not. It is not important when we did it.
       I have been abroad two times.
       Anna has never broken a leg.
       Have you ever eaten sushi?
  2. Tip! We often use never and ever with the Present Perfect Tense to talk about experience.
  3. We use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about an action which started in the past and continuous up to now.
       I have been a teacher for more than ten years.
       We haven't seen Janine since Friday.
       How long have you been at this school?
  4. Tip! We often use since and for to say how long the action has lasted.
  5. We also use the Present Perfect Tense to talk about a past action that has the result in the present.
       I have lost my wallet. = I don't have it now.
       Jimmy has gone to South America. = He isn't here now.
       Have you finished your homework? = Is your homework ready?
  6. Tip! We often use justalready and yet with the Present Perfect Tense for an action in the past with the result in the present.

Present Perfect - Use

1) Result of an action in the past is important in the present

have cleaned my room.

2) Recently completed action

He has just played handball.

3) State beginning in the past and still continuing

We have lived in Canada since 1986.

4) together with lately, recently, yet

have been to London recently.

Signal words

just, yet, never, already, ever, so far, up to now, recently, since, for


have/has + past participle


Affirmative sentences:

have cleaned my room.
I've cleaned my room.
You have cleaned your room.
You've cleaned your room.

Negative sentences:

have not cleaned my room.
I've not cleaned my room.
haven't cleaned my room.
You have not cleaned your room.
You've not cleaned your room.
You haven't cleaned your room.


Have I cleaned my room?Have you cleaned your room?

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