Friday 23 December 2011


On 23rd december 2011,we learn about pre-writing techniques.Pre writing is idea or something we write before start write an essay.pre writing techniques is about mind mapping,example we list down all facts.Then, quick writing,free writing, WH question,and brainstorming.Free writing is we write all thing that comes to mind without care whether it's correct or not.Example of my free writing that miss Zu wanted us to write is
"I'm so tired.I fell like want to go back to my room and and get sleep.But I also can't wait to go back to my home town and meet my classmate in secondary school in this break.WE promise to meet and hang out like before.I miss moment when we're going to canteen,library and other place,we went together,We chat,gossip with each other I miss that moment very much.

Tuesday 20 December 2011

Event on 14 December 2011

On 14 December 2011,there's an event in speaker corner and Els.There's an exhibition in speaker corner.It has many booth there such as English booth,Chinese booth,and Arabic booth.Each of booth give an translating and information about each of society.In English society booth they show and give information about english,their fairy tales,their cloth,food,and other thing. White people have their own dress,example for man dress are there have beret,camicia,robe,jacket,skirt,hose,hanging sleeves and doublet,that was for man while for woman are there have coif,fillet,chemise,skirt,and outer dress.That's for dress,about their footwear is known as nobleman's court boot 1560,slashed leatherover contrasting color,1550 and other.Examples of their fairy tales that popular among us are Beauty and The Beast,Pinocchio and other.While for arabic society booth they showed us about their culture,food,dance and other.Example of food for Arabic people are Mendi rice,and Kabsa rice.Mendi rice are made from meat,basmati rice,and mixture of spices.Considered as main dish and served at special event.Samra is a unique Arabian traditional entertainment,performed on special occasion.That the event at speaker corner,at Els there's a booth that sold a food.There are spaghetti,"aiskrim goreng",and other thing.Since it was lunch time,we took that opportunity to bought along food for our lunch.For me,I bought a spaghetti for my lunch.This event is quite interesting because I've gain many information and can bought a food too.I really enjoyed it.

Reading...skimming and scanning..

We learn about Reading.We need to recognising certain parts of words like root words.The cue that have been given in the books are restatement, opposite, and other thing.. Then we learn about scanning and skimming. Scanning is look for specific information,while skimming is look for the main idea.Before this I don know about scanning and skimming and how to use it but in Bel 120's class I've gain some information about it.

Sunday 11 December 2011

presentation based on P.Ramlee film

date and day i was forgotten,but what have we learn in Bel 120 class I still can remember it.Miss Zu asked we to do presentation based on P.Ramlee film.It's quite interesting but since we have not do any preparation,so it's quite difficult,and we forgot about the scenes.But Alhamdulilah we still can do it in success.We are divided into five group and i was the fourth group.My group has chose film with title "Ahmad Albab".Among most of my friend presentation.The most that I like is presentation by group 1 because it's quite funny.I really enjoyed with this activity and hope this activity will be do again,and hopefully this time we will be more alert and prepare.

Thursday 8 December 2011


On 8th Disember 2011,Miss Zu taught us about Grammar.In grammar,we we learn about verbs.Miss Zu taught us about action verbs and non-action verbs.Action verbs can be classified into four type.There are regular,irregular transitive and intransitive verb.And non-action verb are classified into three type such as linking verbs.'be' verbs and auxiliary verbs.And we also learn about other parts of speech used as verbs,for an example,"peel the apple before you et it".Now i understand about verbs and i can identify where should i put that words in correct way.Miss Zu also give us a task to find 100 irregular verb and 100 regular verb. Oh no... I think it;s quite hard and qiute a lot.but I hope I could find it,and I made it.. I also do my research through internet and this is what I got.

English Verbs

What is a Verb?
A verb is a word that shows action or being. Whatever you are doing can be expressed by a verb.
A sentence can have only one word as long as that word is a verb. Play! Stop! Run! 

English Verb Tenses here.
Verbs can be classified according to whether they are action verbs or linking verbs.

Action verbs
There are two types of action verbs: transitive and intransitive.

Transitive verbs
A transitive verb expresses an action and is followed by an object that receives the action of the verb.
In the following examples, transitive verbs are shown in color and direct objects of these verbs are underlined.

  • washed (what?) the car yesterday.

  • took (whom?) my sister to the movie.

  • John studies (what?) English.

    Intransitive verbs An intransitive verb expresses an action but is not followed by an object. Applying (what?) or (whom?) test to an intransitive verb shows immediately that an object cannot follow. 

  • Tom’s grades improved (what? whom?) with the help of a tutor.

  • The child cried (what? whom?) loudly.

  • The mother sang (what? whom?) to her children.

    Many verbs can be both transitive and intransitive.

    In the following examples, transitive verbs are shown in color and direct objects of transitive verbs areunderlined. Intransitive verbs are shown in color and underlined

  • John studies (what?) English.

  • John studies hard.

  • The mother sang (what?) the song to her children.

  • The mother sang to her children.

  • Linking Verbs
    Linking verbs do not show action.
    A linking verb (also called copulative verb) links or establishes a relationship between the subject and its complement. It describes or renames the subject. 

    She is angry. 
    The word is (a form of the verb to be) links the subject sheto the subject complement angry

    Linking Verb followed by predicate nouns:
  • My friend is a teacher.

  • Mike became the president of the company.

    Linking Verb followed by predicate adjectives:

  • feel nervous.

  • That pie tastes delicious.

    List of common linking verbs
    appear, become, feel, get, go, grow, look, prove, remain, seem, smell, sound, taste, turn and any form of the verb be. See The verb "To Be" below.

    Only become and seem are always linking verbs. Other verbs from the list above sometimes can function as action verbs.
    In the following examples, verbs feel and taste are functioning as action verbs.

  • feel pain from the injury.

  • Taste the pie and tell me if you like it.

    To determine whether a verb is a linking verb substitute am, is, or are for the verb. If it fits – the substituted verb is a linking verb.
    In the following examples, verb feel is substituted witham.

  • feel nervous.

  • am nervous.
    Makes sense so feel is linking verb.

  • feel pain from the injury.

    • am pain from the injury. 
    • Does not make sense so feel is action verb."....

    Monday 5 December 2011


    On 5th Nov 2011,we learned  about Grammar,but we focus more on Nouns,We learned  about proper noun,common noun,possesive noun,singular,plural, and collective noun.Miss Zu also gives us pre test to identify which word are common noun or proper noun.And i'm quite upset because I didn't get good result.. I hope after this I will pass with flying colour in my subject especially Bel 120.
    "Types Of Nouns
    There are many different types of nouns. As you know, you capitalise some nouns, such as "Canada" or "Louise," and do not capitalise others, such as "badger" or "tree" (unless they appear at the beginning of a sentence). In fact, grammarians have developed a whole series of noun types, including the proper noun, the common noun, the concrete noun, the abstract noun, the countable noun (also called the count noun), the non-countable noun (also called the mass noun), and the collective noun. You should note that a noun will belong to more than one type: it will be proper or common, abstract or concrete, and countable or non-countable or collective.
    If you are interested in the details of these different types, you can read about them in the following sections.

    Proper Nouns

    You always write a proper noun with a capital letter, since the noun represents the name of a specific person, place, or thing. The names of days of the week, months, historical documents, institutions, organisations, religions, their holy texts and their adherents are proper nouns. A proper noun is the opposite of a common noun
    In each of the following sentences, the proper nouns are highlighted:
    The Marroons were transported from Jamaica and forced to build the fortifications in Halifax.
    Many people dread Monday mornings.
    Beltane is celebrated on the first of May.
    Abraham appears in the Talmud and in the Koran.
    Last year, I had a Baptist, a Buddhist, and a Gardnerian Witch as roommates.

    Common Nouns

    common noun is a noun referring to a person, place, or thing in a general sense -- usually, you should write it with a capital letter only when it begins a sentence. A common noun is the opposite of a proper noun.
    In each of the following sentences, the common nouns arehighlighted:
    According to the sign, the nearest town is 60 miles away.
    All the gardens in the neighbourhood were invaded by beetlesthis summer.
    I don't understand why some people insist on having six different kinds of mustard in their cupboards.
    The road crew was startled by the sight of three large moosecrossing the road.
    Many child-care workers are underpaid.
    Sometimes you will make proper nouns out of common nouns, as in the following examples:
    The tenants in the Garnet Apartments are appealing the large and sudden increase in their rent.
    The meals in the Bouncing Bean Restaurant are less expensive than meals in ordinary restaurants.
    Many witches refer to the Renaissance as the Burning Times.
    The Diary of Anne Frank is often a child's first introduction to the history of the Holocaust.

    Concrete Nouns

    concrete noun is a noun which names anything (or anyone) that you can perceive through your physical senses: touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell. A concrete noun is the opposite of a abstract noun.
    The highlighted words in the following sentences are all concrete nouns:
    The judge handed the files to the clerk.
    Whenever they take the dog to the beach, it spends hours chasing waves.
    The real estate agent urged the couple to buy the secondhouse because it had new shingles.
    As the car drove past the park, the thump of a disco tuneoverwhelmed the string quartet's rendition of a minuet.
    The book binder replaced the flimsy paper cover with a sturdy, cloth-covered board.

    Abstract Nouns

    An abstract noun is a noun which names anything which you can notperceive through your five physical senses, and is the opposite of a concrete noun. The highlighted words in the following sentences are all abstract nouns:
    Buying the fire extinguisher was an afterthought.
    Tillie is amused by people who are nostalgic about childhood.
    Justice often seems to slip out of our grasp.
    Some scientists believe that schizophrenia is transmitted genetically.

    Countable Nouns

    countable noun (or count noun) is a noun with both a singular and a plural form, and it names anything (or anyone) that you can count. You can make a countable noun plural and attach it to a plural verb in a sentence. Countable nouns are the opposite of non-countable nouns and collective nouns.
    In each of the following sentences, the highlighted words are countable nouns:
    We painted the table red and the chairs blue.
    Since he inherited his aunt's library, Jerome spends everyweekend indexing his books.
    Miriam found six silver dollars in the toe of a sock.
    The oak tree lost three branches in the hurricane.
    Over the course of twenty-seven years, Martha Ballad delivered just over eight hundred babies.

    Non-Countable Nouns

    non-countable noun (or mass noun) is a noun which does not have a plural form, and which refers to something that you could (or would) not usually count. A non-countable noun always takes a singular verb in a sentence. Non-countable nouns are similar to collective nouns, and are the opposite of countable nouns.
    The highlighted words in the following sentences are non-countable nouns:
    Joseph Priestly discovered oxygen.
    The word "oxygen" cannot normally be made plural.
    Oxygen is essential to human life.
    Since "oxygen" is a non-countable noun, it takes the singular verb "is" rather than the plural verb "are."
    We decided to sell the furniture rather than take it with us when we moved.
    You cannot make the noun "furniture" plural.
    The furniture is heaped in the middle of the room.
    Since "furniture" is a non-countable noun, it takes a singular verb, "is heaped."
    The crew spread the gravel over the roadbed.
    You cannot make the non-countable noun "gravel" plural.
    Gravel is more expensive than I thought.
    Since "gravel" is a non-countable noun, it takes the singular verb form "is."

    Collective Nouns

    collective noun is a noun naming a group of things, animals, or persons. You could count the individual members of the group, but you usually think of the group as a whole is generally as one unit. You need to be able to recognise collective nouns in order to maintain subject-verb agreement. A collective noun is similar to a non-countable noun, and is roughly the opposite of a countable noun.
    In each of the following sentences, the highlighted word is a collective noun:
    The flock of geese spends most of its time in the pasture.
    The collective noun "flock" takes the singular verb "spends."
    The jury is dining on take-out chicken tonight.
    In this example the collective noun "jury" is the subject of the singularcompound verb "is dining."
    The steering committee meets every Wednesday afternoon.
    Here the collective noun "committee" takes a singular verb, "meets."
    The class was startled by the bursting light bulb.
    In this sentence the word "class" is a collective noun and takes the singular compound verb "was startled."


    Written by Heather MacFadyen"


    Miss Zu took us to ground floor,maybe i can say a field,maybe.And Miss Zu asked we to do another circle,just like before,we need to do outter circle and inner circle.And this time Miss Zu wanted us to chat about "football".Something that...not interesting for me.And also my other friend,i guest.Then we need to talk about "cook".About our favourite food,and other thing.After that we need to talk about "raja lawak".And most of my friend love Jozan and sepah team.I quite enjoyed with this activity,but i hope it wiil be done in other place.


    We are given a task to introduce our friend.Each group consist of two person.We need to introduce our friend,where she or he live, how many siblings she or he has, and other thing.Miss Zu also wanted us to carry 4 facts about her,including a lie about her.At first I don understand what lie that she wanted,but after we started done the presentation then i got it.We need to tell the student all about our friend,and there are 4 facts too,and the student need to identify which one of the 4 facts is the lying about her. I have chosen to introduce my best friend, Ain.My friend's full name is Masfarah Ain  bt Md Zin.A lie about her is she told us that she likes to read novel,but the fact is she hated it.So poor,I think read a novel is one way to release our tension.Especially,novel about love,like it very much!And other 3 facts about her are,she likes purple colour,why I said like that is because I saw her has many thing in purple colour. Futhermore,she born same month with me which is in April. The last fact about her are she is quite person,but with me she bacome talkative.


    Miss Zu asked us to introduce ourself among the student. Miss Zu asked we to do a circle,inner circle,and outter circle.We need to communicate with each other,with the topic that have been given by Miss Zu.It's interesting,and got to know a few thing about my friend.I hope this activity will be do again,with other interesting topic.

    Sunday 4 December 2011

    my first class in Bel 120

    On 21st of November 2011,after we had finished our MDS, now it's time for the student to have their learning session. so I am.I wondered what is Bel 120 and how was my lecturer. Did she is kind person or fierce?? I felt excited to go to the class but I'm also nervous and scared too.I went to u014 to go to Bel 120's class.The class started at 4 p.m till 5.50 p.m. When I arrived the lecturer is not coming yet,there are only me and my friend at the class.While waiting we have chat with each other, and suddenly came one young woman and I thought it was the student that repeat her paper,but I was wrong because she is my lecturer. She is very young and beauty. I think not only me that supprise but also my friend.My lecturer name is Miss Zuraidah,and she wanted us to call her Miss Zu.We do ice-breaking and chose our class rap... Miss Zu also want us to do a blog and we need to write down all the things that happen in Bel 120's class. Our expectation,our feel,and other thing.And  I really enjoyed it.

    my first blog!!!

    thanks to Allah SWT because i can do my first blog,,,i will write all my feeling ,for example sad,happy and stress,,i also will write all about my life in UITM segamat as a student and this is my first life that i must be independent on myself,,,wish me luck to graduate on time,,